Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This is a House Devotion I did last year for school. I Prepared it the night before which would have been ironic if it was on preperation but it wasn't.
Thought y'all might like to read it but its more effective when PREFORMED.

Anyway, without further ado...


Now all of you know perseverance.

You all persevered in this last week what with the cross country and all. Hopefully most of you ran even when your sides were burning and you knew you could stop and have a rest…but you didn’t. If you did stop then well at least you are persevering with your perseverance to be lazy.

Anything we do in life requires perseverance. School, work, lord of the rings marathons all require high amounts of perseverance. Anyone watch Gladiators on Sunday? On the Sumo ball, Janine? Yeah I think it was Janine, the challenger that went second. There was no way that she was going to beat the Gladiator so she, heres the word, persevered. She hang on with all her might and even though didn’t get 10 points for knocking the gladiator out of the ring she still got 5 by not getting knocked out herself.

In numerous movies I’ve watched the protagonist always perseveres through the hard times. Frodo carries the ring all the way to Mount Doom, in Run Fatboy Run that guy runs that marathon for almost a day, without stopping which holds many similarities to the Kenyan that Nicola talked about last week who ran with a gall bladder infection. Now I’m not saying that we should all get gall bladder infections and run marathons but we can all persevere in different ways.

I know last week I persevered with my English essay, it wasn’t fun but I got it done and hopefully I will get a good mark, probably not, it was pretty bad but still it is better than nothing at all or a half asked effort that didn’t answer the question.

Now when you don’t do something because you can’t be bothered is in my eyes is pretty sad but I myself haven’t persevered at numerous occasions. I know I haven’t given it my all in some of the past cross countries (Editors Note: I have run it backwards, skipped it, carried Riley in it, sang throughout it...yeah) and I’ve not always done my homework but I paid for that later when halfway through the electric topic last year in physics I had no idea what we were doing and then had to persevere to understand most of the topic's work in a very short amount of time.

I guess the hard hitting question that you all have to ask yourself is when inveitably zombies invade this city, does your zombie plan involve meeting up with other survivors, getting to an offshore oil rig, or does it involve getting it over with and just committing suicide. Does it involve perservering through the endless years of mental and physical trials where your only friend is solitude and your most effective weapon is stealth or just running wildly in circles shouting your favourite fruit at the top of your lungs.
Think about it.
So I tell you to persevere in what ever you do whether it be your studies, or sports, or even harry potter marathons.
Dont forget to persevere

I was particulary proud of that devotion but the best bit was before the devotion.
I stood up with some of that old computer paper in my hand where it is all connected together and said "Just got some notes here."
Then I gave it a flick and it unfurled all the way to the ground and beyond. Everyone seemed scared.

Oh and if you are stuck for ideas for devotions just go up there and go:

"My devotion is on forgetfulness and er... I forgot to do it"


"In my devotion I will show you what happens if you haven't prepared uncomfortable awkward silences...."

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