Sunday, December 13, 2009


While blocking out the sounds of the ever sickening sweet Deck the Halls I sat down to write something. Anything. The infinite possibilities were stretching out in front of me. In my fingers I had the power to mould my creation to be whatever I wanted. Anything at all.

And yet, I faulted.
For you see it is often hard for people to choose something when given the choice out of, well everything because the opportunity cost is too great.
‘Would you like the Apple shavings or the Mango seed?’ is a much easier question to answer than ‘Which star would you like?’, at least to me it is.
The former you just have to ask yourself one question:
Do I feel like Apples more than I feel like Mangos?
Whereas the latter question would have you summing up the advantages and disadvantages of each individual star eventually coming to a conclusion that presented you with the star that you found the most profitable/closest/powerful. Either that or you could just choose the most prettiest.

And that is why I find it annoying when presented with a Menu from a restaurant. So much choice! So many different possibilities and all the time as I skim the menu hoping for some divine insight there is a niggling thought at the back of my mind going “But if you choose that then I won’t be able to eat the Lasagne or the Chicken!”
So I go through the processes. What do I feel like? What don’t I want? Oh, but I had that one the last time. But if I get that one I might not like it and it will be wasted. But Jade is getting that one already. That one is a bit pricey. BUT WHAT DO I FEEL LIKE!?

And all the time is the illogical thought running through my brain suggesting to myself that I would be insulting the rest of the dishes if I didn’t choose them. Curse you Beauty and the Beast and your improbable scenes.
My thinking and pondering would be greatly reduced if the menu had only two options but alas that shall never happen.

This is why all my major decisions are made by closing my eyes and pointing. Random chance is the way to go. I figure if I spend 10 minutes debating by myself between two options or more, carefully listing the pros and cons of each, just to say, when I eventually choose the option, ‘Oh, but what if I have this one instead?’
I find it much more logical to randomly choose one, decide “Oh not that one” and repeat.

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