As the blog site is acting up at the moment I shall post my ideas here.
When it is working again I will utilise the number one technique one learns whilst at University, Crtl+c Ctrl-v.
Recently while being ground into the dust by my friends Vampire Life Gain deck we got to talking how awesome Golden Sun is. Now for those of you out there that don’t know what Golden Sun is (and I know my 5 readers in Russia might not know) it is a freaking awesome game where you awesomely go around doing awesome stuff with awesome magical critters dubbed “Djinn”.
Anyway he then had a brilliant idea; Why not make a Golden Sun trading card game?
Well the most obvious answer being; It is incredibly hard to do so, we haven’t had any previous experience in the field of making a collectable trading card game, our views on the rules would be HEAVILY tainted on Magic: The Gathering, if anything it would be more suited to fit into a Dungeons and Dragonsesque game as Golden Sun itself IS an RPG. All of these options fluttered around my head before noticing I was at 2 life and he had 3 Vampire Nighthawks out with a Sanguine Bond out and I did not want to anger the great Shaun.
“Sure, why not?” I answered before getting ploughed in the face for 12 (curse those Tendrils of Corruption).
And so began the long arduous task of creating one.
It is very much a work in progress and things are open to change at any time because of how incredibly buggy and imbalanced everything is but thoughts and problems would be nice.
Oh and to go on with the somewhat Trading Card Game direction this post is taking look at this:
Now look me in the face and tell me that that wouldn't be an awesome tool to have on something like, oh I don't know. A 3DS!
Just playing a game of magic and whats that? I have a 3DS? BAM! Characters are coming out of the cards limbs are flying everywhere. That girl finally finds me attractive.
Everyone wins.
Well maybe except the guy whose limbs are flying everywhere but Nintendo! Do you hear me Nintendo? You need to make this happen!
Anyway, back to this Golden Sun Trading Card Game, which if it makes any money at all will just fuel my Magic: The Gathering addiction.
Basically you have Two Adepts of your Choice.
These Adepts can be equipped with different Djinn. You may set one Djinn a turn.
You also have Location cards which act a bit like Field cards in Yu Gi Oh or Enchantments in Magic.
They only last for one turn though.
You also have Psynergies. To cast these you must tap the appropriate amount of Djinn of that element.
Oh and Summons as well! They are awesome!
Oh screw it; this is from his email.
· Each player has 2 Adepts he or she controls. At any time during a turn, you may call for an ally using Djinn, inviting a guest into the party.
· Each Adept begins the battle with 30 health. Allies will have a specified health.
· Adepts gets 3 abilities. Allies get 2. They can be offensive signified by the +X (the + signifying positive damage), neutral given by a 0 (meaning it does not affect health), defensive given by X (the number signifying the defensive capabilities of the ability) and healing with –X (the – meaning negative damage is applied to a player).
· Damage can be specified in two synonymous ways. +1 is equivalent to 1 Physical (or Elemental) Damage. Same with Health: -1 is equivalent to 1 Health.
· Each ability will identify a target. Single target means one Adept. Two targets means two Adepts. “Each” means all Adepts on one side. However, a single target offensive ability cannot be used on an Adept in your party. Similarly, a single target healing ability cannot be used on an opposing Adept. Simply put: you cannot damage allies or heal enemies.
· Other than basic abilities or Djinn, Psynergy, Allies and Summons will have a cost for their use and the currency being Djinn. For example: the Mercury and Mars Summon “Ulysses” specifies the use of 2 Mercury Djinn and 2 Mars Djinn.
· When attacking, your opponent must announce any and all defensive or neutral abilities they wish to use (offensive and healing abilities may not be used for defense unless specified by another card). You must then announce all special conditions and abilities you are using (Djinn, Psynergy, Location, Residual Effects from last turn etc.) to attack them.
· Djinn can be set to any Adept, regardless of element. Djinn used for their abilities will unset for 2 turns. Djinn used to unleash Psynergy will unset for 1 turn. Djinn used to invoke Summons will unset for 2 turns. And Djinn used to call for allies unset for 2 turns.
· Locations can only be played at the beginning of a turn.
· (Element) Djinn Boost X. Means the ability in question deals X more damage or prevents X more damage when set with a Djinn of the specified element. If no element is specified, any element Djinn will provide the boost. However, if for example the ability specifies Mars Djinn Boost 2 and only 1 Mars Djinn is set, the ability will only deal 1 extra damage. When the second Mars Djinn is set, the full boost is attained. When a third Mars Djinn is set, there is no extra boost.
· Offensive and Defensive abilities are also given an attribute. They can be Elemental or Physical. Elemental Defensive abilities will only reduce damage from Elemental Offensive abilities, Physical Offensive abilities will deal the full amount of damage and vice versa.
· Certain cards can be played upside down. For example the summons Procne and Thor share the same card. The player may choose which way to play the card, but may only play it one way before it is discarded.
· Certain Summons, Psynergy and Djinn will increase or decrease attack and defense. These will say something along the lines of: “3 Physical damage to one Adept. 2 Physical damage to another Adept. Flip a coin: Next turn Defense -1.” The term ‘Defense -1’ means any defensive abilities used to stop Elemental of Physical Damage will be able to prevent 1 less damage than usual.
· “Flip a coin: Next turn Defense -1.” Means, flip a coin and call what you will. If you win, you win the effect specified; in this case, next turn your opponents defensive abilities are weakened.
· A ‘Negative effect’ is anything such as the effect described in the rule above. If an ability specifies that you remove any negative status effects, it means that effects such as the one above no longer apply to the targets specified in the ability.
So yeah... it is very rough and we have made a plethora of changes since then. We are currently toying with the idea of making certain cards Shiny and Mythic Rare that we can hoard and sell for MASSIVE amounts of money.
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