Thursday, May 28, 2009


It has been a month and a half since my last blog.

I am rather good at this game aren't I?

Anywho, as stated a month and a half ago I have moved house.... and it feels weird.
I mean, the time just flies by. I remembering coming here and feeling weird sleeping in the bedroom. I would always wake up and search blindly for the clock realising, after a few misplaced moments, that I had moved and the clock I was searching for was no longer to the right of my bed by now to the left.
It was weird.
It felt alien and now I regret to say, I have gotten used to this house.
Sure it is far inferior to my old house. It has no lawn, the backyard is tiny, I don't live (as my friend's constantly remind me) in Woodvale anymore, and my dog isn't allowed inside the house anymore.
But regretably, I have fallen into a routine. I was walking home the other day and the shocking realisation came that where I live I consider home.
The past 15 years of my life felt betrayed, all those wonderous memories were starting to fade, to make room for the new ones that will undoubtably be made in this....rather bland house.
My old house had character as well, this house seems cold and unresponsive. However this could just be in response to my attitude: I don't like the house and as such it doesn't want to be liked by me.
Somewhat intuative but still...

Anyway, moving away from my house and onto the subject of University.
Well, the first semester of University is nearing a close (the last day is tomorrow and then the dreaded exams start).
It went... fast.
I guess, when transitioned from High School to University you don't really notice the difference. I mean, the differences are obvious it is just that it is so different that your brain seems to go into shock. It is an extended holiday before you return to school, just another adventure to be had. But then you fall into a routine.
(The routine is the bane of the past remember.)
And your education has always been like that... and you start to forget how school life was.

It is rather depressing.
But University has been fun. I've spent the majority of my time playing Halo, getting to reunite with primary school buddies and generally not studying (I really should). University seems more slack than High School because, well it is more slack.
Sure you have a lot more material to learn in a shorter amount of time but it seems that the ratio actually sitting in lectures or doing labs to just hanging around is quite slim. Moreover, I'm sad to admit, that I've actually been dozing off in a number of Engineering lectures, something that never would have happened in High School (and not just because we didn't have Engineering as a subject in High School).

Anyway the Physics Book is beckoning and I have to do assignments *sigh* and I am not going to go off and play Team Fortress 2


And I will write again!
Every Friday from now on!
And If I don't you have my permission to hunt me down and castrate me.... or give me a cookie.
Whichever one I feel like at the time
And I

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