Friday, April 10, 2009

As promised....

I am writing a Blog entry.
What fun.

Well today, as many of you are well aware of, is Good Friday.
Changing the date of Easter every year to keep us on our toes, the Pope gives a mass in honour of Jesus dieing... dying?

How do you spell dieing?
Because normally the rule is: Take away the 'e' and slap on an I, N, G.
Come becomes Coming, Write becomes Writing, Have becomes Having...
As in: I... err.... I Having the shop.
But diing just looks plain weird.
There is only one way to solve this problem.

*runs off*

*comes back 5 minutes later*
Ah, apparently according to

Some verbs have irregular ing form

lie lying
die dying
travel Br. travelling
Am. traveling

Well that solves that problem, I am still a tiny bit perplexed what Br. travelling means though.

Oh yes, we are moving house this weekend. I am not sure the exact date but by this time next week I won't be in this house anymore which is somewhat surreal. I've lived in this house pretty much all my life and it has been good to me. It has always been sturdy and stood up tall in the face of danger. My only criticism to this wonderful current house is that it is a bit slutty. I mean, look at all that foundation.

Horrible puns and tangents aside I would like everyone's attention to be drawn to DRAGON BALL Z!
Just so y'all know i'm rewatching it.

And yeah, So I will now end this somewhat non humorous blog and either do some physics study or Reinstall Warcraft III.


1 comment:

  1. Moving or change for that matter can be hard on our mind, body and spirit. Its good to keep moving along to where ever life takes us.

