Thursday, July 2, 2009


Not knowing what else to do for the rest of the day, I sat down and started writing.

It's not often I start writing something without a general idea of where it will lead. I always have a very broad overview of what I am going to write, only inserting minor details such as plot and punctuation.
So today really is a historic moment. We get to see what I write without thinking about it! Could this be a deep insight into Jeremy's subconscious? Could this be some scientific psychoanalysis that unveils Jeremy as the Mass Murderer that he really is?
Not that I am or's just that it could. *cough*

So now I am just going to write the first thing that comes to mind. Please forgive me if my structure is horrible and the plot is all over the place with nothing to tie it together but that is what you get when you don't plan. Purple panda pan. Please also forgive me if I attempting grammar fail but that also happens when you type really really really really reallly fast. You also spell 'really' wrong.

OH! That's right! Also excuse me for my lack of jokes but it is a bit hard to think with wit and class when thinking of what word you are about to write when indeed, you have just written it.

Well, so far my subconscious has been rather boring. Only stating facts, lets get to the juicy parts shall we?
So Jeremy... How is life?
-Oh yeah, pretty good. The missus actually just wan-
-What? No! Why would you bombard me with questi-
-What? How, but.... Well I guess that we can't say with a certain degree of certainty that I won't contain nuts.
-No, I might.
Wait...what? Now you're confusing me.
-I'm just saying, we can't be certain that anything can't happen as well as can happen. We can't be certain that the sun will rise tomorrow, We can't be certain that electrons will still continue to spin. We can't be certain that everyone won't spontanously turn into peanuts.
So all statements that are "True" aren't really true.
-Well they are true. But only for a given value of true.
A huh... so if I were to sa-
What? No! How, Why would you?

And on that rather high, but flat note we...I mean I leave you with a certain question.
What's in my pocket?

*vanishes in a puff of smoke*

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