Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well Exams start in two days time which is going to be fun.
The past week I have been 'studying'. This mainly consists me staring at my book for two hours without lifting my pen eventually convincing myself that I need a brake.
5 hours of youtube later I realised another day has been wasted.

In addition to my horrible study habbits I am noticing a correlation to my Game time and proximity to exams.
I went through a stage a month ago where I did not go near computer games ( I know....shocking right?) but as exams close in according to my Steam Id:

I have played 28.9 hours of Team Fortress Two in the past two weeks.
Assuming that is spread out evenly in the past week I have played 14.45 hours of the addictive drug and minusing an average of 8 hours sleep a day is roughly 13% of my life.
That is a lot!

While we are on the subject of games;
During my diligent student I found this game entitled Scribblenauts and is by the same people who brought us Locke's Quest and Drawn To Life.
Anyway the main premise of this game is you solve puzzles how you want to solve them.
How? Using anything you can think of...

I'll just let that sink in for a moment.


You write what you want and it appears!
Now of course it isn't everything but it is damn close, they had 2 months where their team just looked up nouns in dictionaries and encyclopedias to add to the game.

Anyway, it says it is going to be out for Fall in America which of course correlates to Spring down here in Aus.
Of course one must take into account that the rest of the gaming community hates Australia so we will probably have to wait another month or two.
*grumble grumble*

Anyway, youtube it. It looks great, seriously, God Vs The Kraken.

How can it get better?

Ok I will now step away from my unpaid advertising and focus on my state of mind.
It is constantly flipping between the two extremes:
1) You'll be fine
2) You haven't studied you are going to fall

Curse you Logos and Pathos! Make up your mind!
But logically I only really need 30% to pass most of my units that I am currently undertaking. Of course this lulls me into a false sense of security and when I realise I can't ace the practise tests ( as I could do back in school) I get worried but Tallyho and Whatnot, hmmm.... quite old chap.

I'll be fine.



  1. The Enlightened OneJune 7, 2009 at 4:59 PM

    jst thort i mite add sme MAGIC to ure blog, ahahaha......i really should study aswell....

  2. Sars?
    What are you doing reading my blog? Go away and study!
