Friday, February 11, 2011

3DS Preorder GET

I just preordered a 3DS.
Fancy that.

It was a fairly awesome deal though, $283.10 for a 3DS, a 3DS game and shipping considering the RRP for a 3DS over here is $349.

Now I eagerly await March 31st with baited breath.
Come on 3DS.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pacman & Galaga

While browsing the wondrous world of the internet today I came across these images for new Pacman and Galaga games on the upcoming 3DS:

Obviously they are making full use of the 3DS gyroscopic technology, and kudos to them for doing it.
But there are somethings you can take too far.
Somethings just weren't meant to be taken to the next dimension.
Looking at these images I thought "Oh that's really cool, a kinda first person Galaga, a la Star Fox."
However I then had the misfortune of seeing the next picture on how to control it.

Though I do wish my hair matched with all my clothes. That would be freaking awesome.