Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Salutations my brethren! I pause mid study to bring you this tiding of joy.
Translation: Sup y'all. I was on the internets and bored so I decided to write this.

How are you anyway? We haven't spoken ages.
Is your mum still well? Are the kids ok? Hey, tell me when the baby arrives.

So pulling an imaginary topic from my imaginary hat we receive justice.
I hear a slight intake of air from the front row of the audience, a heavy topic.
Sure it is. It is quite heavy, a very touchy subject, not that funny and we've all had a go at it...oh I'm sorry. I seemed to have started talking about your mother.

Having my Batman fire reignited the past few months has caused me to do some very heavy thinking. It made me realise that even though Batman is awesome because he is Batman, underneath it all, he is a criminal.
"NO!", I hear you cry, "But BATMAN IS DA AWESEOMNEST!!!111!!!".
Well yes, he is, I do not dispute this but he travels around every night, breaking the speed limit in his Batmobile, causing grievous bodily harm to a lot of people, psychotic trauma to more, not to mention a few man slaughters along the way and yet he is glorified.
Of course the readers who glorify Batman have the insight into his life, he know the character of Batman and Bruce Wayne and realise, for the most part, his motives are pure. We realise that he is just beating up criminals to a pulp slightly because of revenge but mainly because it is what Gotham needs. However the citizens of Gotham do not know this, all they see is a crazy man dressed up as a bat (and lets face it, Batman is slightly crazy, I mean....who dresses up as a bat every night and throws themselves into danger?) who is taking the law into his own hand.
By that definition alone Batman should be locked up, he is taking the law into his own hands, he is a vigilante. And subsequently so should the majority of all Superheros be locked up (I'm looking at you Superman) for criminal activities.
You can't say "Oh, the laws work for everyone except for him." because that isn't the point of the laws is it?
But that is the brilliance of Batman, he doesn't care for the laws, he makes his own. He spits on Gotham's justice in the face and takes up his own version of a purely subjective moral code.
As he puts it Batman "is justice." Much like another prevalent saying: "There is no justice, only Death".
But I digress.

Moving away from Batman for a second and this convoluted rambling that had no structure (Sorry Mrs Perry.) I would like to focus on a villain in the DC universe, Two Face.
Two Face and Batman, along with Gordon were going to change Gotham, then Harvey got acid in the face, went insane, and became Two Face.
Two Face decides everything based on a flip of a coin (as I am sure you all know thanks to Batman: The Dark Knight), you die or you live reasoning that Random Chance is the only true justice. And somewhat I would have to agree with him. Justice is somewhat blind and convictions are made when they shouldn't be and aren't made when they should be (Ok, just extrapolate a lot here) and an even level playing field is what all echelons of society should face.
There was this one scene in Batman: The Brave and the Bold where Two Face had caught Batman and had his hired goons ready to gun him down. He flips the coin and decides Batman lives and tells the goons to let him go. Of course the goons don't want to do this citing "It isn't every day you get The Bat in a bad." and advance on Batman. Two Face flips a coin, makes a decision and Batman and Two Face beat up all the goons. At the end of it Two Face says "The flip before was to see if they killed you, now it's to see if I do." and he proceeds to flip the coin.
Halfway through the flip Batman punches Two Face in the face saying some rubbish like "Justice doesn't leave things to chance".
And yet, I felt somewhat disappointed by that. I just thought Batman wasn't playing fair, that he had no honour but that might just be the romantic side of my talking. Batman has no honour, he doesn't play nice, he plays dirty.

Here is a link

Anyway to summarise:
- Justice is what we define it as
- Batman is crazy
- Two Face is awesome
- I might be a little bit crazy
- I am very tired.

I know it isn't my usual self to exit prematurely but alas I have overstayed my welcome.